Monday, September 13, 2010

Learning ZBrush

     So I've had to basically learn ZBrush entirely within this quarter, meanwhile pumping out some worthwhile models. While I can't say anything I've done within the tool is a masterpiece so far ;), they've served to help me learn ZBrush. My learning method here is to jump in and mess around a bit, then study the basics, mess around some more, study further, building on what I've already learned, mess around some more, and so on and so forth until I feel comfortable working with the program. I immediately recognized that ZBrush is quite more organic than Maya or 3DS Max, so I began utilizing a tablet fairly early.

Basic mesh within Maya.
Sculpted female WIP.
Female WIP with some texturing.
     This model started as a basic basic base mesh in Maya, which I used to create both a male and female mesh which would be ready to subdivide and sculpt in ZBrush. Knowing that a female, with more subtle curves and muscle definition would really push me to pick up some finesse within the program, so I'm starting with her first. Check out the images below of the base meshes as well as the progression of the female model up to present. Click each thumbnail to zoom in.

Redux of the Rage

     Many of you who know my work are familiar with the look of my character "the Rage". Well, I've decided to remodel and re-texture him to make him (eventually) easier to animate. Prior to this redux, his mouth and teeth were just too huge and would not allow any sort of facial expression beyond his standard snarl. Check out this image of what I call "the Rage Redux".

     Here his iris and pupil area are not visible because as far as I can tell so far, ZBrush seems to have issues with transparency. However, they are there. The pupils are similar to cat's eyes and they are capable of dilating and contracting the way a cat's or snake's eyes do. Hopefully the redux is favorable. Comments welcome, and as usual, he is a work in progress.